Who was Adolf Hitler, and the disappointment of Hitler in World War 1 In Forgotten History

Who Was Adolf Hitler, Including The Unforgettable History In World War 2
Who was Hitler, no one does not know with Adolf Hitler, Adolf Hitler was a Nazi party chairman, in the nazi German language is an abbreviation of the word Nazi Party (NSDAP). Hitler was the leader of Nazi Germany during World War II in Europe.

A short history of Adolf Hitler. Adolf Hitler was born on 20 April 1889 in his hometown of Gasthof zum Pommer, Hitler is the fourth of six children, mother Klara Hitler named Polzl and his father named Alois Hitler, at that time three sisters hitler named Gustav, Ida and Otto had died in infancy.

when Hitler was still the age of 3 years old, the family moved to the area hitler Passau Germany. hitler there are many dialects Bayern studying its open Downstream German, which is characteristic of Hitler talking khasgaya lifetime. In 1894 Hitler moved to Leonding, and shortly thereafter in 1895 Hitler and his family moved again Hafeld near Lambach, and settled there and start a beekeeping business.

Hitler once lived alone in Vienna he lived in was funded by support orphans orphans and a little help from his mother, he meet his daily needs by working as a common laborer. Hitler also been on the decline in the school of fine arts academy in wina yai tu twice in 1907 and 1908, because according to the director of the art academy in Vienna he was not suitable as a painter,

Hitler lost his mother when he was 47 years old. after he was rejected at the academy of fine arts, Hitler began to run out of money and chose to live in homeless shelters, he settled in the house of poor laborers. Wina is a place full of religious prejudice and racism. Her concern that Wina will Loaded with immigrants from the east and the mayor of his populist rhetoric mengesploitasi antisemitism for political interests.

At the start of World War I, when it was in dire need of a volunteer army and Hitler himself gave up his volunteer army austria. Hitler was assigned as an introductory news in western fonts, in France and Belgium. hiler spent half his time behind the front line as a messenger, Hitler received many awards for his bravery in the field pernag.

At the time of Hitler knew kekalah Germany in World War I, Hitler was furious he did not expect the German kekelahan. Hitler did not expect Germany to admit its defeat in World War I in November 1918. Like many other German nationalists, he believes in the legend of betrayal that clamp that German Army invincible on the field has been stabbed in the back by the domestic front by the leaders of the citizens civil and Marxists, who later dubbed "November criminals".

Here's a glimpse of the story of Adolf Hitler were very mighty in his year, thank you for visiting my blog http://aurorasde.blogspot.com/ may add your knowledge of the history. bye and thank you.

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